I have decided to do my a figure show. For real! I have been pretty wishy washy bout actually going through with it. With support from my hubby and a great trainer at the gym, I think I can pull it off.
I am not going to like the diet part. That is why it has been a challenge for me in the past. I love sweets, carbs, pasta, and anything fattening. I at least have some form of a cookie or dessert on a daily basis. To cut that out completely for 3 months might kill me. I think I eat somewhat healthy other than that.
Back in November when I decided that I would train for this I joined a new gym that was built by our house. Signed up for a nutritionist and a personal trainer. My body fat was 19% and I weighed in at 140lbs. I am at a healthy weight and body fat. Feeling pretty good about myself.
I got hooked up with the right people at the gym and they are giving me all kinds of great info on healthier eating tips and better ways to make my body transform into the shape it needs to be for show time.
Now its time to hunker down and get busy. I have to eat pretty clean during the week and only have cheat days on the weekends. Lots of protein, veggies, good carbs, while staying low on sugar and cutting out processed foods. Ohhh very challenging for me! I have to admit, I have been sneaking some chocolate in :-( I can't help myself.
This morning I measured in. 17% body fat. 116 lbs of lean weight, 22lbs of fat weight.
I am happy to see my numbers going down.