For the last 12 years we have had the same fake 7 ft Christmas tree. Last year while we were opening presents it took a nose dive onto our couch and broke in half. That tree was handed down from my parents who had if for lord knows how long. This year it was time to get a new one. Costco has awesome pre-light trees for a great price. I can't tell you how nice it was not to have to put lights on the tree. This puppy is a 9 ft tree that almost reaches the tippy top of our ceiling with our angle on top of it. We let Tanner and Rylan start the decorating ceremony.

Ahh the finished product...wait who are those two handsome boys?? I think they are waiting for Santa to come on his train. Yep, last year I got Chad his Polar Express Christmas train that he wanted for as long as I can remember. It has all the bells and whistles.

Here is our little Jack-Jack. I hope he is a good kitty and stays out of my tree. "I see you eye-ballin my tree mister" When we lived in Nebraska our two cats every Christmas would knock our tree over almost every other night. After the 3rd year of that, I nailed the sucker to the floor.