Our little Tanner is growing up so fast these days. From a cute chunky dude to a lengthy skinny young boy. We just ended the first quarter of school. I met with his teacher who had some "OK" things to say about him. She said he worries about other people and things around him and he needs to focus more on himself and his own work. (he likes getting into other people's business) He has a hard time staying on task and focusing ( I told her he is easily distracted from the get go). And here is a new one...he talks back to her!
UHHH...hello, what the heck? Does this face look like someone who would back talk? I know sometimes at home, he will do it to be funny, but I had no idea he was doing it at school!!! We need to nip this in the bud. Chad and I talked about it with Tanner and set up some new rules. Told him it wasn't cute or funny anymore and there will be consequences. We had a great conversation about what is "back talk", how to use good manners on a daily basis, and what is means to be respectful to others. He used to be really good at all these things...of course they grow up, pick up new things from friends, and get new attitudes...that need to be adjusted, quickly.
The teacher said he is a great, sweet kid (of course), has a lot of potential when he puts his mind to it, and did really well this first quarter. He made the HONOR ROLL and had perfect attendance. An assembly was held earlier in the week for all those to receive their certificates.