Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Words out of Rylans mouth

Rylan: "mom, I want a treat"
Mom: "Excuse me?"
RYlan:"Mom, may I have a treat please?"
Mom: "Rylan, I told you after you eat your breakfast and take your vitamins, you can have a treat."
Rylan: "But I want a treat now!"
Mom: "I don't think so, that is not good manners"
RYlan: "OK I will eat my eggs and my vitamins."
He takes several bites of his food...
"ooohhhh that's yummy in my tummy!! yummy in my tummy!"
As he sings it
He finishes his breakfast and takes his vitamins.
Mom: "ok you may have a treat now"
He's looking through the cookie jar to see if anything catches his eye.
He spots something tasty...
"Oh yea baby, this is what I'm talking about!" as he shows me a big piece of bubble gum.