Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rylan loves to do "homework"

During the summer I always get a workbook for Tanner to do while school is out. Keep his mind fresh so he doesn't forget anything he learned that year while he spends countless hours on the Wii. He earns his time playing video games by doing his don't worry, its all good.
Rylan watches Tanner and wants to do everything Tanner does.
I was at Costco one day and got him the Pre-K activity pack.
I would highly recommend it for something fun and learning to do at home. It includes a Learn to Count CD-ROM, FUN-damentals DVD, Hooked on Phonics... ABC's, Coloring, Colors Shapes & more, Math numbers, and Letter sounds workbooks. He can't wait to get his books out and get to work. On this day he was so proud of all the letters he was writing. We had to take a picture of it.
He has been working on writing his letters for the last few months now. He can spell and write out his whole name!! He will often like to just grab paper and start writing random letters and show much excitement when we tell him how proud we are. I can just tell him to pick out any book, I will read him the directions and he just does it! Knows all his colors, numbers, letters, some sounds. For example, I will say, "what does Bah-Bah-Baby start with?" He will say "Bah-Bah-B!" His favorites... "Rr-Rr-Rainbow, starts with R just like me, Rylan, R!" (although Chad thinks we should keep that one on the downlow) or
"Uh-Uh-Umbrella, starts with the letter U!" I can't even begin to describe to you how overjoyed he is when we tell him how awesome it is that he knows his letters and sounds. He does this funky little dance, head shaking, mouth movement thing. It's pretty comical.