Rylan is now in his 5th week of soccer. He has come a long way since the first day of practice. We put him on a little bit older team so that he could be with his friends. Rylan is the youngest and smallest kid on the team. The first day he was extremely shy and had no idea how to kick a ball properly. The first game was really rough. Not only was it hot at 9:30am, but the older kids were running all over him. He came home hating soccer and not wanting to play anymore. After a couple more practices and the next game played with his buddies, he soon felt very comfortable chasing after the ball. Now he is running with the big kids and a gigantic smile lights up across his face. Even though they have not won a single game this year, its all about having fun...right?? We can score...but only on ourselves! Only a couple more games left in the season. He is getting closer and closer to being able to score. Go Rattlesnakes!!