5:30am Wake up, get the whole family ready to leave for the airport
6:15am After Chad has yelled at me several times to get out of the house cause we are going to miss our 8am flight, we run out the door...all 50 bags packed and loaded in the car for a 7 day trip.
6:50am Arrive at Sky Harbor, check in and proceed to gate
8:05am Everyone is safely on the plane boarded for Orlando
1:45pm Arrive in Orlando, get bags, rent vehicle
2:30pm Still waiting in line to rent our car
2:50pm Call my friend who is coming down to meet us in Downtown Disney for the day, make plans to hook up...still waiting in line.
3:00pm We see my parents, sister and nieces get off the elevator on their way to rent their vehicle...Tanner runs over and tackles them with excitement.
3:30pm Head to downtown Disney to meet Jacksonville friends
4pm Dinner at T-REX cafe...very cool place. Very much like Rainforest Cafe, but all dinosaurs!!

6pm Finish dinner and walk around shops in Downtown Disney.

Hit the Lego store where we met up with a Lego Santa
6:45pm Pass the Ghirardelli ice cream shop...cant help myself and neither can Judy...we're on vacation, I we say to ourselves. We hang out, discuss religion and politics for a while.

7:00pm Walking around some more..then we discover Rylan is nowhere to be found.
We aren't panic'd yet thinking he is right near by. We all split up and look for him.
7:10pm Still cannot find Rylan and it seems there are thousands of people around and a ton of 4yr olds with short blonde hair and red hooded jackets everywhere I look and no child of min.
7:20pm We all four meet up again, talk to guest realations and security. We split again and run into all the kids enticing stores franticly looking for a little lost boy
7:30pm After many tears and horrifying thoughts, the security guard and a Disney employee brought Rylan to me. They found him sitting right where he could no longer find us, on a bench in a well light area with a lost look on his face. After running all over the area thinking to myself, I am going to kill this kid when I get ahold of him, I could do nothing but give him big hugs and kisses. I asked him if he was afraid or scared and he said..."No mommy, I wasn't afraid or scared, I am a big boy now."
7:40pm Now we can't find Chad. Of course only Jason and Chad had their cell phones, Judy and I had forgotten ours in the car. So whenever we split, not only were we looking for Rylan, but also for each other. Chad still has no idea we have found Rylan and he is running all over.
7:45pm Chad runs back to our "meeting spot" shaking his head and trying to hold back the tears of joys, anger, and frustration when he sees his "little dude"
7:50 Leaving the Downtown Disney area all together, holding hands very tightly.

Heading to Sanford, where we are meeting the Valls family at my cousins house
9pm Arrive at Nicole and Todd's house where we meet 30 other Mexicans for a fiesta... lol!!
10:30pm Arrive at hotel where we will get some rest for Universal Studios on Monday. Don't worry Rylan will probably be wearing a leash or have a GPS tracking device installed in his body!