For most of the kids on the Cardinal Wolfpack Mighty Mites team, this is their first year hearing the sound of helmets crunching on the field. Then you have other kids who like to keep their distance and watch from the back while playing safety. That would be Tanner's main position. August 30 was their first scrimmage game. They didn't do so well. It was very hot out and the kids were still learning all the plays. They walked away with a renewed passion to get their very young team as prepared as possible for the upcoming season. The Coach said they will learn how to execute under pressure and that things will work when everyone performs their responsibilities.
(Tanner is in the center with Coach Keith telling him what to do)
(Uncle Scott & Sema were also with us to cheer the team on)
(the drive home after the game, a very tired boy)
September 6 was their first real game against the Chandler Wolves. This time Uncle Rob, Aunt Jill and baby Ethan came to watch. It was very early in the morning. The kids had to be on the field by 6:30am, kickoff at 8am. Never mind the fact that it takes us 45 min from our house to get there. Luckily Rob let the boys stay at their house in Chandler. The field was only 2 minutes from them. Tanner looked very handsome in his new uniform with "TOMASSO" on it.
But handsome will only get you so far. Our team got killed 33-0. On a bright note they had flashes of genius against much older kids and they improved 100% from their scrimmage. In the end they all had fun and that is the main thing.