One of my neighbors came up with a brilliant idea. Lets get all the neighborhood families together and go on a NIGHT TIME Easter Egg Hunt. We gathered at her house where she had tables of cupcakes, pastel color frosting, edible grass, jelly beans and and other fun food decorating items. The kids decorated and played in the backyard while the fathers went up to the park to hide the eggs in the deep dark grass.

They phoned in the troops when they were ready for the hunt. Mom's rallied up the kids as we marched in long lines a couple of blocks after dark to the big park behind the school. And at the very, very back, was this huge grassy area where the fathers hid over 100 eggs. The eggs had special tape on them and the kids had flashlights so they could see them. Now it was time for a talk...little kids 5 and under get a 30 sec head start. Then the big kids could go. Each kid was to get approx. 17-20 eggs which were filled with candy.

Everyone had such a great time and we can't wait to do it again next year.